Posts Tagged ‘Loisaba Lodge Kenya’

I Dream of Africa.

Loisaba; the ultimate for peace and serenity to rejuvenate your soul.   Loisaba is all about connecting with nature and relaxing in your surroundings.  The game here is abundant and the scenery that provides the backdrop for a restful safari is breathtaking.

What draws one specifically to Loisaba?  The remote location, the fabulous game viewing, or perhaps just the lodge itself and its renowned Star Beds? Sleep out and star gaze on a star bed and listen throughout your dreams to the sounds of Africa below and all around you. 

Loisaba Lodge has two different types of star bed.  The original beds are located amongst a rocky outcrop looking out over the Kiboko waterhole in one of the eastern valleys.  The second more recently constructed beds are a few miles further south on the banks of the Ewaso N’giro River.  The beds cantilever over the river beneath and they are approached by a bridge from the opposite bank.  These new star beds are named after the Koija community of Laikipiak Maasai who together with Loisaba created and constructed them.

Even actually reaching your starbed is an adventure as you are guided through the African bush by Samburu and Laikipiak Maasai warriors.

Imagine laying there in the African night on a handcrafted wooden raised platform with a comfortable mattresses plump pillows and soft blankets with a picnic and wine to tide you through until morning.  A night under the stars has to be one of the most memorable on a safari along with the waking in the morning to hear an Elephant beneath you taking his morning wash in the pool below.

 Loisaba is excellent in combination with the Masai Mara and the Amboseli National Parks.